Understand. Build. Leverage.
This series of talks was developed to empower you, your team and your organization to leverage the full bandwidth of opportunities a well-oiled public affairs machine is able to unlock. Irrespective of the sector your work in or the size of your organization.
Uncover the nature and power of the public affairs discipline and disband with the many myths surrounding it [hint: lobbying is not evil] and ways in which to build or innovate an in-house practice. Let’s get into the nitty gritty detail of how to wield such a practice effectively in a changing landscape of digital influence.
“In a world in turmoil, organizations must innovate their
practice to cut through the noise.”
– Germana Barba
Understanding the Power of Public Affairs, Communications and Public Relations
Distinct but strongly interrelated, these 3 areas of expertise form the backbone of any successful stakeholder engagement strategy. Learn how to differentiate them and how their tactical interplay can become an irresistible trinity to achieve visibility, impact and success with media, policy makers, the public and others. As a bonus: peek behind the curtains of the mysterious world of lobbying.
Building and Innovating a Dynamic Practice
Understanding what public affairs can do for your organization is 1 step into the right direction. However, without effective organizational structures in place to fully unlock its potential, you won’t go far. Learn from close to 2 decades of building and guiding public affairs teams to success about how you can both establish and innovate your future-ready public affairs practice.
Leveraging the Power of Public Affairs
The world is changing. Influence is no longer only exerted in the small meeting rooms of large conference centers. Influence is increasingly exerted without mediator through the cloud. Enter: social media. This is an arena accessible to anyone, which brings with it as many opportunities as it does challenges for public affairs teams. Learn how to leverage the power of public affairs in this brave new world and guide your team and organization to success.
Are you ready to see your Public Affairs practice transform and not only meet but conquer an ever-diversifying external stakeholder landscape?
"Our first step together is a free 30 min video chat to discuss your needs and ambitions. My goal is to share my passion and enable as many of you as possible to wield the power of public affairs in a way that best suits your organization. Following our conversation, I will share a detailed proposal with you which is tailored to your and your organization’s needs.”